Saturday, April 18, 2009


I thought that Blogger would have just given up on me by now. I missed writing my thoughts, and I've wanted to get back into it. This semester, particularly Business Law, has proven to be a little taxing on the spare time. I miss it because I've wanted to help my own brain organize it's thoughts. It's very unwieldy. I hope blogging can be a way to journal and then be able to look back and find 'where I was' on particular issues.

Here are some of the things that have been rattling around as of late:

**I've been reading Fabric of the Cosmos, by Brian Greene. This is blowing my mind, and I'm still in the first third or so. I've always been deeply interested in physics, and I think a cool subject to explore would be how it relates to theology, cosmology, etc. So far I've been amazed that how we perceive things and how they *actually are can be so radically different. Teaser: light does not experience time, because it is going too fast (or exactly as fast as necessary not to be "influenced" by time). I've always wondered how God could possibly be separated from time. Could this be how/why? Or at least as close to understanding this as we can hope to get?

**I want to understand the effects that the American dream has on us sociologically, emotionally, and spiritually. Then I'd like to undream the American dream. Possibly even awake from it entirely.

**I think a further expansion of the previous topic would be how it relates to the church, understood as a collective community. What the church was first intended to be, what it has become, and what it can become with a dash of creativity and some open mindedness. Paradigm shifts are difficult for most people when it comes to religion or religious experiences. However, noting the amount of change the church (and actually, any and all religions) have gone through to date, why would we be so self involved as to think it has stopped once we arrive on scene? Change is good, it proves there's life.

Anyway, that's what been on the brain. I'm sure my future self will get a kick out of it.

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