Friday, February 8, 2008

These are embarrassing....

Here are the rules for the game:
*Link to the person that tagged you
*Post the rules on your blog.
*Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
*Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
*Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

Okay this comes a little late - I've been tagged by the Bam. These are basically seven reasons not to like me. Oh well, I've got thick skin.

1) I don't really like sports.

I don't know what it is. I've certainly tried. And it's not like I don't enjoy playing sports, (because I can sure school Bam at golf - teehee) it's more like I don't know what channel ESPN is. And I didn't watch the superbowl. And I was a part of a fantasy basketball league once, and refused to make a trade. That sort of thing. I've taken up racquetball (4 times) lately, and I like it, but generally I'm horrible at sports.

2) I enjoy girl-rock.

Is it called that? Femme-rock? Anyway, rock with a girl front-....woman. Don't know why. Garbage, Evanescence, Paramore, even a little Alanis here and there. It's kind of embarrassing admitting this, although I'm not sure why. Maybe I should delete the word 'Alanis'. Eh it's already there.

3) I want to be an inventor when I grow up.

This has been a life long dream of mine. Literally since I was a kid. I share this ambition deeply with my grandfather. If I had more time, and less 'real' job, I'd spend a lot of my days at the US patent office. I have a few that I'm pursuing currently, and I quasi-admire the weirdness of Dean Kamen. Enter GOB jokes when you're done reading.

4) I enjoy sci-fi books and movies of fantasy.

I've alluded to this before. I can't entirely explain why I enjoy these things, but I think it has something to do with enjoying someone's creativity. Kinda like when J-Lo got to enter that person's mind in that creepy movie, The Cell. Did anybody but me see that? Side note - the only movie where Vince Vaughn doesn't play his normal role.

5) I can't really grow facial hair.

Due to the sliver of my heritage that is Native American. Cherokee. 1/8th if you must know. I do however, have to shave the 19 hairs that insist on growing, due to my German heritage (1/4th-ish). Then there's French and Russian. In order to get the ketchup to come out faster, tilt the bottle at about 45 degrees and pound on the glass where it's raised '57'.

6) I wrestled in High School.

With other high school boys. Why couldn't have I played a normal sport? Oh, yeah, refer to number 1 above.

7) I like Mario Kart.

Specifically for SNES, the first and original installment of this video game. You would be shocked at how many hours my roommate and I spent, in college, playing this game. We play it almost every time we see each other, even now, years out of college. Same console, same broken, 15 year old game cartridge. We have to hold the thing in with a highly engineered lattice of scotch tape, so the old girl will still fire up. One could make a strong case that this is the reason it's taken me a decade to get an undergraduate degree. No, I'm not going into medicine. But I'll beat you at Mario Kart, that's a promise.

Wife, Zac, Lucas, Shawn (dude at least put a pic on your FB profile), Zack, Trevor and John.

1 comment:

AdamBam said...

Oh. OH! OHH??!!

These are awesome. And pathetic. You're awesomely pathetic (at golf).
