Monday, January 7, 2008

The Golden Compass

Heather and I saw this movie, finally, Friday night. Trying to ignore fears of even further blowing open the doors to the hallway showcasing my nerddom, I must reveal that both Heather and I enjoy movies and books in areas labeled 'Fantasy' and 'Sci-Fi'. There, I said it.

We've seen every Harry Potter and read a many Orson Scott Card books. Ugh. It hurts to admit this much nerdity.

Anyway, I thought The Golden Compass was awesome. As J.J. stated long, long ago in the blogosphere, it is visually gorgeous. Not only that, but the story is very creative, and the director did a fine job bringing this to picture.

From a religious standpoint, I believe Christians far too often react with fear and defensiveness, rather than conversation and dialog. I echo J.J.'s other post, and John's thoughtful response.

Why do some Christians respond to people who do not share their faith by boycotting their products, especially one as good as this? Wouldn't that be a great time to show that we believe in the value and beauty of this life as well? Shunning has the opposite effect we would want.

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