Thursday, March 13, 2008

A summary

This article is cool, concise, and I enjoy the hope it promotes. The thing that draws me to the emerging conversation is the idea of decreasing segregation. Segregation among race, culture, and denominations in particular.

I think there is an unhealthy aura of competition within christian circles, that has been thickening for decades. Mega churches are the easiest to pick on (there were monster trucks in my town recently), but it can come right down to a conversation between two people in a house church. The poison, I believe, is rooted in a longing for popularity and ultimately, to be the voice that's heard over other voices. True unity will only begin when other's voices are more meaningful than our own. In fact I think it's particularly American to want to draw people to our own individual point(s) of view. I suffer from this as much as anybody. Heck, here I am, writing a blog, giving you my perspective. Ugh. It's getting late.....

1 comment:

AdamBam said...

Good read... thanks for the link.